Best Student Cities in England

England, a land woven with threads of history, opportunity, and perhaps a dash of cheeky humour, beckoned me at the crossroads of choosing my academic path. Having lived there over ten years, the land felt familiar, yet the prospect of selecting a university city unfurled a map teeming with exhilarating possibilities. VayCay Couple‘s journey wasn’t a solitary quest, but an odyssey guided by mentors and friends, all with their own whispered wisdom about student havens waiting to be discovered.

Oxford: Steeped in Scholarly Whispers

Oxford, shrouded in the whispers of ancient scholars, promised a baptism by ink in its ivy-laden libraries. I pictured myself strolling through Christ Church College, where Harry Potter’s magical halls come alive, or peering into the Bodleian Library, a treasure trove of forgotten knowledge.

A City Buzzing with Life

Oxford, shrouded in the whispers of ancient scholars, promises a baptism by ink in its ivy-laden libraries. But step beyond the academic allure and discover a vibrant world that transcends the hushed tones of its libraries. Bustling street markets overflow with artisanal delights and local produce, the air thick with the aroma of freshly baked bread and exotic spices. Pubs with creaking floorboards and roaring fireplaces beckon with pints of ale and lively banter. Punting down the Cherwell River, sunlight dancing on the water, offers a glimpse of Oxford’s softer side, its willow trees weeping into the gentle current and ancient bridges adorned with weathered statues.

With London being so close by, life in Oxford is enhanced by the proximity to the capital’s vibrant tapestry of history, culture, and modern vitality, allowing one to seamlessly weave between the scholarly tranquillity of Oxford and the bustling, dynamic energy of London, where every street and skyline tells a tale of centuries.

Affordable Living in Oxford

Living in Oxford doesn’t have to break the bank. While the city holds its treasures dearly, with careful planning and a touch of resourcefulness, it can be surprisingly affordable. Grand college rooms, cozy flats like the one pictured above, budget-friendly eateries, and pubs catering to students offer a range of options to suit every pocket. Compared to other major cities, Oxford’s charm comes at a surprisingly accessible price.

Living Expenses in Oxford

  • Average Monthly Living Expenses in Oxford: £1,290 to £1,840 (as of October 2023)
  • Popular neighbourhoods for living in Oxford: Jericho, Cowley, Headington, Summertown
  • Transportation options in Oxford: bus, bicycle, walking, punting on the Cherwell River

Manchester: Pulsating Heart of Youthful Energy

Manchester, pulsating with youthful energy and cultural diversity, offered a taste of cosmopolitan chaos. I envisioned catching a concert at the legendary Manchester Arena, cheering on my team at Old Trafford, or getting lost in the cutting-edge galleries of the Northern Quarter.

Living in Manchester as a student

Imagine yourself cheering on your team at the legendary Old Trafford, home to the mighty Manchester United! (Can you hear the roar of the crowd already?)

Or picture yourself catching a cutting-edge concert at the iconic Manchester Arena, feeling the bass vibrate through your bones. (Goosebumps guaranteed!)

Then, after all that excitement, imagine finding your sanctuary in a cool and affordable student neighbourhood. That’s the magic of Manchester – it lets you balance academic hustle with vibrant leisure, all within a budget.

Cost of living as a student in Manchester

Compared to other UK student cities, Manchester offers a breath of fresh air for your wallet. Rent can range from around £350 to £500 per month, depending on the type of accommodation you choose. Food, transport, and entertainment expenses are also relatively affordable, with plenty of student discounts and budget-friendly options available.

Best places to live as a student in Manchester

Manchester’s student neighbourhoods are as diverse as its residents. Here are a few top picks:

  • Fallowfield: This iconic student village is a stone’s throw from the University of Manchester, buzzing with pubs, cafes, and a strong sense of community.
  • Rusholme: Another student hotspot, Rusholme offers affordable housing options and a multicultural vibe, with restaurants serving cuisines from all over the world.
  • Northern Quarter: If you’re an art lover and hipster at heart, the Northern Quarter is your haven. Expect trendy bars, independent shops, and a cool, creative atmosphere.
  • Withington: Craving a greener space? Withington offers leafy streets, charming pubs, and a slower pace of life, while still being well-connected to the city centre.

So, are you ready to trade in your textbooks for a Manchester student adventure? This city will welcome you with open arms, affordable rents, and an endless supply of late-night currywurst. Just remember to pack your dancing shoes, your study lamp, and an open mind – Manchester is ready to show you a good time!

Bristol: Boho Spirit Embracing Nature

Bristol, with its bohemian spirit and embrace of nature, beckoned with an unconventional charm. I dreamt of wandering through the vibrant street art of Stokes Croft, picnicking in Ashton Court’s verdant embrace, or catching a ferry to explore the rugged beauty of the Clifton Downs.

Whispers Beyond the Usual Path

But my exploration wasn’t confined to these well-trodden paths. Friends, now facing the same daunting task for their children, painted a diverse canvas of other possibilities:

Newcastle: Friendly Vibes and Bustling Nightlife

Newcastle, they enthused, hummed with a distinctly friendly vibe. I heard tales of bustling nightlife, where students from Newcastle University and Northumbria University painted the town red, all while enjoying the relative affordability compared to southern giants.

Sheffield: Emerald Haven of Tranquillity

Sheffield, nestled amidst emerald, green spaces, offered a haven of tranquillity. The University of Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam University lured with their diverse coursework, while the city itself promised a thriving music scene and endless opportunities for outdoor adventures.

Nottingham: Sherwood Forest Echoes and Diverse Community

Nottingham, birthplace of the legendary Robin Hood, whispered of rich cultural heritage. The University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent University beckoned with a diverse student community, a vibrant nightlife scene, and a promise of being my own Sherwood Forest hero.

Durham: Whispers of History on the River Wear

And then there was Durham, cloaked in medieval magic and perched on the banks of the River Wear. Durham University, with its prestigious reputation and stunning cathedral, resonated with a sense of tradition and academic excellence. I pictured myself wandering through the cobbled streets, exploring the castle, and soaking in the atmosphere of this historic city.

More Than Just Academic Boxes

Each city unfolded like a storybook chapter. Oxford’s libraries rustled with the whispers of centuries, Manchester’s music venues vibrated with the pulse of the present, and Bristol’s street art pulsed with urban vibrancy. Yet, it was in the north that I found a symphony that resonated with my soul.

But ultimately, the choice wasn’t about ticking academic boxes or chasing the coolest night out. It was about finding a place that felt like home, a city that would be the canvas upon which I would paint my own student life, a landscape that would shape my growth and forge lifelong memories.